We are pleased to announce that AstraZeneca, a global, science-led biopharmaceutical company has joined the CACHE (Critical Assessment of Computational Hit-finding Experiments) Governing Board for a two-year term, which is a critical element of Conscience’s efforts to set clear industry-leading benchmarks and improve success rates in the current drug discovery system. Bringing a wealth of experience in drug discovery and development, AstraZeneca will work alongside existing board members from Bayer and Boehringer-Ingelheim to shape the future of the CACHE Challenges and to help steer Conscience’s mission forward.
Anders Hogner, Senior Director AI Science, AstraZeneca, who has been an observer of the board for two years, will now help guide the CACHE Challenges and play an essential role in advising on target selection and setting new benchmarks to meet real-world drug discovery needs. We look forward to the exciting contributions AstraZeneca will bring to CACHE in the years ahead.