Developing Medicines through Open Science (DMOS)

About DMOS

The Developing Medicines through Open Science (DMOS) program offers support and partnership opportunities for preclinical drug development in disease areas neglected by the pharmaceutical industry, such as orphan diseases and antimicrobial resistance.

This program aims to foster collaborations that undertake preclinical work to develop drug candidates in areas of pharmaceutical market failure, establish proof of concept (POC) for an open science path to drug development and further translate innovations into affordable medicines, generate economic activity, and support small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Canada.

With total funding of $15M, of which $5M is allocated to the inaugural round, this program will support projects that (1) undertake preclinical research on life-threatening or severely debilitating diseases currently dismissed by the pharmaceutical industry and (2) demonstrate strong target validation and tractability to enable clinical proof of concept.

Person Holding Laboratory Flask

Eligibility criteria

To be eligible for DMOS funding, applicants must:

  • Propose a preclinical research plan in an area of pharmaceutical market failure
  • Conduct research at Technology Readiness Levels (TRLs) 2-6
  • Include at least one Canadian SME
  • Provide proof of matching funds to cover the remaining cost, as Conscience will fund a maximum of 33%
  • Commit to our Open Science Policy

Funding Structure

The DMOS funding period is 2 years, with the possibility of an extension. Funding is milestone-driven and reimbursement-based. We will cover between 10% and 33% of eligible costs per Canadian participant*, with maximum total funding per project depending on the project’s TRL, as follows:

Project’s TRL CategoryMaximum funding from DMOS per project
Chemical starting point to chemical probe
(TRL 2-3)
Chemical probe to lead drug candidate
(TRL 3-4)
Lead to IND/CTA enabled drug candidate
(TRL 4-6)

Successful applicants must obtain the remainder of the total project cost via matching funds.

*Distribution of funds between eligible participants is to be confirmed with Conscience at the time of awarding.

Selection criteria

Projects will be selected based on the following criteria:

  • Scope Fit: Unmet medical need, orphan disease
  • Scientific Merit/Rationale: Human biology validation (genetic or pharmacologic), evidence of reversibility
  • Quality of the team and research environment
  • Tractability: Assays/models to enable screening and support translatability (target engagement, PK/PD, dose selection, biomarker)
  • Robustness of the drug development plan and feasibility: Patient diagnostic/identification and regulatory approved endpoints to allow POC, natural history data, etc.

How to Apply

The first Request for Proposals for the Developing Medicines through Open Science program (DMOS 2024) will launch in September 2024. The application procedure will comprise a one-page Letter of Intent (LOI), after which selected applicants will be invited to submit a full proposal.

Key dates to remember:

  • Call for LOI: September 3, 2024
  • Virtual information session: September 11, 2024
  • LOI submission deadline: September 27, 2024
  • Full proposal submission deadline: November 22, 2024
  • Award announcement: January 2025
  • Onboarding of recipients: February 2025

For any program-related inquiries, please contact Resham Chhabra, Program Manager, at

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